“Ill fares the land”: Refections on The Merchant of Venice — a tale for modern times

Waddell, Margot (2020) “Ill fares the land”: Refections on The Merchant of Venice — a tale for modern times. In: A Deeper Cut: Further Explorations of the Unconscious in Social and Political Life. The Political Mind Series . Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, pp. 9-24. ISBN 9781912691197

Full text not yet available from this repository.
Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: An earlier version of this chapter was originally published in 2011 as "The Merchant of Venice: A tale of modern times" in: L. J. Gould, A. Lucey, & L. Stapley (Eds.), The Refective Citizen: Organizational and Social Dynamics (pp. 1–18). London: Karnac
Subjects: Cognitive Processes, Theory of Mind > Arts generally (e.g. drama)
Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Psychoanalysis
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/2343

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