Feeling, thinking, being: A call to mindfulness in times of crisis

Williams, Jo, Damman, Jeri and Ruch, Gillian (2020) Feeling, thinking, being: A call to mindfulness in times of crisis. Research in Practice . Full text available

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If the emotional landscape of social work practice wasn’t hard enough, the coronavirus (COVID-19) onset has certainly increased the probability of fear, anxiety, tears and frustration for practitioners in recent weeks. This has perhaps led to an even higher sense of ‘felt responsibility’ for busy practice supervisors, as they continue to navigate the world of risk and performance pressures and ultimately trying to maintain a clear line of sight on all the children and families they have oversight of. For many of you and your staff, this will be in parallel with taking care of your own families and adapting to a significant change of circumstances within your own homes...

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Blog on the Research in Practice website
Uncontrolled Keywords: Supervision, COVID19
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Child Protection
Social Welfare > Social Work
Department/People: Department of Education and Training
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/2231

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