L'infant observation come esperienza trasformativa: Turbolenze emotive, difese e conoscenza. (Infant observation as a transformative experience: Emotional turbulence, defences and learning.)

Gatti, Patrizia and Santarone, Mariadele (2017) L'infant observation come esperienza trasformativa: Turbolenze emotive, difese e conoscenza. (Infant observation as a transformative experience: Emotional turbulence, defences and learning.). Richard e Piggle, 25 (4). pp. 379-389. ISSN 2038-2499

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This work seeks to demonstrate the tangle of strong emotions permeating the observation environment. Observers themselves cannot escape this tangle and it reactivates deep-seated, unconscious infantile experiences within them. The authors' reflections stem from the longstanding experience they each acquired during their teaching of Infant Observation. The article seeks to highlight what defences are activated and how the observation setting, seminars and the group can serve as containers capable of helping observers to separate/distinguish what belongs to their own history and their own personal experience from what belongs to the neonatal life of that specific child, to his/her mother and to the figures caring for him/her.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Infant Observation, Transformative Experience, Emotional Turbulence, Defences, Learning
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Babies
Cognitive Processes, Theory of Mind > Learning and Memory
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/1725

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