Items where Year is 2014
Amias, David, Hughes, Gillian and Barratt, Sara (2014) Multi-layered systemic and narrative interventions with refugees and asylum seekers in a community child and adolescent mental health service. Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation & Training, 25 (1). pp. 20-30. ISSN 0960-9830
Balfour, Andrew (2014) Developing therapeutic couple work in dementia care: The living together with dementia project. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 28 (3). pp. 304-320. ISSN 0266-8734
Bambrough, Steve, Shaw, Mike and Kershaw, Sophie (2014) The Family Drug and Alcohol Court Service in London: A new way of doing care proceedings. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 357-370. ISSN 0265-0533
Barnes, Jacqueline, Sutcliffe, Alastair G, Melhuish, Edward and Gardiner, Julian (2014) Health and development of children born after assisted reproductive technology and sub-fertility compared to naturally conceived children: Data from a national study. Pediatric Reports, 6 (1). p. 5118. ISSN 2036-749X Full text available
Carmichael, Polly, Holt, Victoria, Khadr, Sophie and Roche, Edna F (2014) UK and Irish surveillance study of gender identity disorder (GID) in children and adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (2). S56-S57. ISSN 1054-139X
Catty, Jocelyn (2014) Clinical commentary. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40 (1). pp. 94-97. ISSN 0075-417X
Catty, Jocelyn (2014) Music, humanity, and psychoanalysis: Three books on human development, music psychology, and psychoanalysis. Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications, 17 (3). pp. 279-292. ISSN 1369-8036 (Print), 1745-8943 (Online)
Catty, Jocelyn, Emanuel, Ricky, Anscombe, Elizabeth, Cantle, Alison and Muller, Helen (2014) Implementing an aim-based outcome measure in a psychoanalytic child psychotherapy service: Insights, experiences and evidence. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19 (2). pp. 169-183. ISSN 1359-1045
Cavalli, Alessandra (2014) Clinging, gripping, holding, containment: Reflections on a survival reflex and the development of a capacity to separate. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 59 (4). pp. 548-565. ISSN Online: 1468-5922
Christoforidou, Marina (2014) Psychoanalysis and Gravity. Psychodynamic Practice: Individuals, Groups and Organisations . pp. 1-7. ISSN Print 1475-3634; Online 1475-3626
Conway, Paula (2014) Engaging with psychosis: A psychodynamic developmental approach to social dysfunction and withdrawal in psychosis. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches, 6 (4). pp. 313-326. ISSN Paper 1752-2439; Online 1752-2447
Cooper, Andrew (2014) A short psychosocial history of British child abuse and protection: Case studies in problems of mourning in the public sphere. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 271-285. ISSN 0265-0533 Full text available
Cooper, Andrew and Whittaker, Andrew (2014) History as tragedy, never as farce: Tracing the long cultural narrative of child protection in England. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 251-266. ISSN 0265-0533 Full text available
Cottam, Susan and Espie, Jonathan (2014) Discourses underpinning parenting training programmes: Positioning and power. Children & Society, 28 (6). pp. 465-477. ISSN 0951-0605
Davidson, Sarah, Hingley-Jones, Helen and Gregor, Claire (2014) The experience of gender dysphoria for pre-pubescent children and their families. A review of the literature. Child & Family Social Work . ISSN 1365-2206 (Electronic) 1356-7500 (Print) Full text available
Di Ceglie, Domenico, Skagerberg, Elin, Baron-Cohen, Simon and Auyeung, Bonnie (2014) Empathising and systemising in adolescents with gender dysphoria. Opticon1826, 16 (6). Full text available
Dugmore, Paul (2014) Working together, or keeping apart? A critical discourse analysis of the revised working together guidance (2013). Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 329-341. ISSN 0265-0533 Full text available
Edwards, Judith (2014) Sifting through the sands of time: Mourning and melancholia revisited via the documentary Nostalgia for the Light (2011). The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 95 (4). pp. 791-799. ISSN 0020-7578
Evans, Marcus (2014) 'I'm beyond caring’, a response to the Francis Report: The failure of social systems in health care to adequately support nurses and nursing in the clinical care of their patients. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 28 (2). pp. 193-210. ISSN 0266-8734
Finch, Jo and Poletti, Alberto (2014) ‘It's been hell.’ Italian and British practice educators’ narratives of working with struggling or failing social work students in practice learning settings [E’ stato un inferno! Racconti di supervisori di toricinio che han lavorato con studenti problematici o che non hanno superato il tirocinio]. European Journal of Social Work, 17 (1). pp. 135-150. ISSN Print ISSN: 1369-1457 ; Online ISSN: 1468-2664 Full text available
Fok, Marcella Lei-Yee, Hotopf, Matthew, Stewart, Robert, Hatch, Stephani, Hayes, Richard and Moran, Paul (2014) Personality disorder and self-rated health: A population-based cross-sectional survey. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28 (3). pp. 319-333. ISSN 0885-579X
Fok, Marcella Lei-Yee, Stewart, Robert, Hayes, Richard and Moran, Paul (2014) Predictors of natural and unnatural mortality among patients with personality disorder: Evidence from a large UK case register. PLOS One, 9 (7 e100). ISSN 1932-6203 Full text available
Fok, Marcella Lei-Yee, Stewart, Robert, Hayes, Richard and Moran, Paul (2014) The impact of co-morbid personality disorder on use of psychiatric services and involuntary hospitalization in people with severe mental illness. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49 (10). pp. 1631-1640. ISSN Print 0933-7954 ; Online 1433-9285
Garelick, Antony and Fagin, Leonard (2014) The doctor-nurse relationship in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research (4). pp. 55-63. ISSN 1929-1647 Full text available
Glover, Ruth (2014) 7th Tavistock International Conference for infant observation teachers, Tavistock Clinic, 28–30 August 2014. Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications, 17 (3). pp. 269-273. ISSN 1369-8036 (Print), 1745-8943 (Online)
Harvey, Anna and Henderson, Fiona (2014) Reflective supervision for child protection practice – Reaching beneath the surface. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 343-356. ISSN 0265-0533
Hertzmann, Leezah and Nyberg, Viveka (2014) Developing a Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) for Therapeutic Intervention with Couples (MBT-CT). Couple and Family Psychoanalysis, 4 (2). pp. 116-135. ISSN ISSN 2044-4133 ; Online ISSN: 2044-4141
Hobson, R Peter (2014) The coherence of autism. Autism, 18 (1). pp. 6-16. ISSN Print: 1362-3613; Online: 1461-7005 Full text available
Hobson, R Peter (2014) The making of mind. Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 34 (8). pp. 817-830. ISSN 0735-1690 (Print); 1940-9133 (Online)
Hughes, Gillian (2014) Finding a voice through `The Tree of Life': A strength-based approach to mental health for refugee children and families in schools. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19 (1). pp. 139-153. ISSN 1359-1045
Hughes, Gillian and Kaur, Pinder (2014) Young men from refugee communities score goals for their future using the Team of Life. Context (134). pp. 25-31. ISSN 0969-1936 Full text available
Kenneally, Olivia and Miles, Kim (2014) 'We don't need no education?' The voices of young people attending alternative education provision. Assessment & Development Matters, 6 (3).
Krause, Inga-Britt (2014) Cultural differences stand to universalities as practice stands to theory: Comments on Rober and De Haene. Journal of Family Therapy, 36 (1). pp. 21-23. ISSN 0163-4445 (Print); 1467-6427 (Electronic)
Launer, John (2014) Sex and sexuality: An evolutionary view. Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 34 (8). pp. 831-846. ISSN 0735-1690 (Print) ; 1940-9133 (Online) Full text available
Launer, John, Gill, Deborah and Griffin, Ann (2014) Fostering professionalism in the workplace: The role of workplace discussion groups. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 90 (1068). pp. 56-70. ISSN 1469-0756 Full text available
Lemma, Alessandra (2014) Off the couch, into the toilet: Exploring the psychic uses of the analyst's toilet. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 62 (1). pp. 35-56. ISSN 0003-0651 (print); 1941-2460 (online)
Lemma, Alessandra (2014) The body of the analyst and the analytic setting: Reflections on the embodied setting an the symbiotic transference. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 95 (2). pp. 225-244. ISSN 0020-7578
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Clinical commentary. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40 (3). pp. 312-317. ISSN 0075-417X
Meerten, Maja, Rost, Felicitas, Bland, Julia and Garelick, Antony (2014) Self-referrals to a doctors’ mental health service over 10 years. Occupational Medicine, 64 (3). pp. 172-176. ISSN Online: 1471-8405 ; Print: 0962-7480 Full text available
Morganstein, Louise, Leotsakos, Agnès, Zheng, Hao, Croteau, Rick, Loeb, Jerod M., Sherman, Heather, Hoffman, Carolyn, O'Leary, Dennis, Bruneau, Charles, Lee, Peter, Duguid, Margaret, Thomeczek, Christian, van der Schrieck-de Loos, Erica and Munier, Bill (2014) Standardization in patient safety: The WHO high 5s project. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26 (2). pp. 109-116. ISSN 353-4505 (Print); 1464-3677 (Electronic)
Music, Graham (2014) Top down and bottom up: Trauma, executive functioning, emotional regulation, the brain and child psychotherapy. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40 (1). pp. 3-19. ISSN 0075-417X
Music, Graham (2014) The buzz trap: Speeded-up lives, distractedness, impulsiveness and decreasing empathy. Psychodynamic Practice, 20 (3). pp. 228-249. ISSN 1475-3634
Myers, Gil, Coyle, Delphine, Kowalski, Christopher and Srinivasan, Ramya (2014) How can a young person wait over 90 hours in an emergency department for a bed? The Psychiatric Bulletin, 38 (5). p. 250. ISSN 2053-4868 (Print) ; 2053-4876 (Online) Full text available
O'Nions, Elizabeth, Christie, Phil, Gould, Judith, Viding, Essi and Happé, Francesca (2014) Development of the ‘Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire’ (EDA-Q): Preliminary observations on a trait measure for Pathological Demand Avoidance. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55 (7). pp. 758-768. ISSN 0021-9630 Full text available
O'Nions, Elizabeth, Reilly, Colin, Atkinson, Patricia, Menlove, Leanne, Gillberg, Christopher, Happé, Francesca and Neville, Brian G R (2014) Pathological Demand Avoidance in a population-based cohort of children with epilepsy: Four case studies. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35 (12). pp. 3236-3244. ISSN 0891-4222
O'Nions, Elizabeth, Sebastian, Catherine L, McCrory, Eamon, Chantiluke, Kaylita, Happé, Francesca and Viding, Essi (2014) Neural bases of Theory of Mind in children with autism spectrum disorders and children with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. Developmental Science, 17 (5). pp. 786-796. ISSN 1363-755X
O'Nions, Elizabeth, Viding, Essi, Greven, Corina U, Ronald, Angelica and Happé, Francesca (2014) Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): Exploring the behavioural profile. Autism, 18 (5). pp. 538-544. ISSN Print: 1362-3613; Online: 1461-7005
Rhode, Maria (2014) Clinical commentary. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40 (2). pp. 205-209. ISSN 0075-417X
Rhode, Maria (2014) Psychoanalytische behandlung von kindern mit störungen aus dem autismusspektrum. Theoretische implikationen [Psychoanalytic treatment of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Theoretical implications]. Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, 68 . pp. 137-172. ISSN 0075-2363
Ruch, Gillian, Lees, Amanda and Prichard, Jane (2014) Getting beneath the surface: Scapegoating and the systems approach in a post-Munro world. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (3). pp. 313-327. ISSN 0265-0533
Rustin, Margaret (2014) The relevance of infant observation for early intervention: Containment in theory and practice. Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications, 17 (2). pp. 97-114. ISSN 1369-8036 (Print), 1745-8943 (Online)
Rustin, Margaret and Rustin, Michael (2014) Antigone and Electra: A psychoanalytic study of tragic siblings. Costruzioni Psicoanalitiche, 27 . pp. 33-54. ISSN (printed): 1721-9612 ; (electronic): 1972-5744.
Ruszczynski, Stanley (2014) Couples on the couch: Working psychoanalytically with couple relationships. fort da: Journal of the Northern Californian Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, XX (2). pp. 8-25.
Santin, Chiara (2014) A troubled family therapist undercover: Some reflections on working with 'troubled families' in a statutory agency. Context (131). pp. 21-24. ISSN 0969-1936 Full text available
Scanlon, Christopher, Cornes, Michelle, Manthorpe, Jill and Hennessy, Catherine (2014) Not just a talking shop: practitioner perspectives on how communities of practice work to improve outcomes for people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28 (6). pp. 541-546. ISSN 1356-1820
Searle, Liz (2014) Review of Surviving Girlhood: Building positive relationships, attitudes and self‐esteem to prevent teenage girl bullying. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19 (2). p. 159. ISSN Paper 1475-357X ; Online 1475-3588
Shine, Amanda, Conn, Rory and Davids, Zaib (2014) Exposure to acute child psychiatry presentations for core psychiatrists. The Psychiatric Bulletin, 38 (3). p. 138. ISSN 2053-4876 Full text available
Singh, Reenee, Stratton, Peter, Lask, Judith, Bland, Julia, Nowotny, Ewa, Evans, Chris, Janes, Emma and Peppiatt, Anneka (2014) Detecting therapeutic improvement early in therapy: Validation of the SCORE-15 index of family functioning and change. Journal of Family Therapy, 36 (1). pp. 3-19. ISSN 0163-4445
Singh, Reenee and Wallis, Jennifer (2014) Constructions and enactments of whiteness: A discursive analysis. Journal of Family Therapy, 36 (1). pp. 39-64. ISSN 0163-4445 (Print); 1467-6427 (Electronic)
Skagerberg, Elin, Wright, Daniel B. and Eaton, Aisa A. (2014) Occupational segregation and psychological gender differences: How empathizing and systemizing help explain the distribution of men and women into (some) occupations. Journal of Research in Personality . ISSN 0092-6566
Skagerberg, Elin, Morris, Emma, Le Huray, Corin, Gomes, Rosemary and Ninteman, Aafke (2014) Families changing families: The protective function of multi-family therapy for children in education. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19 (4). pp. 617-632. ISSN 1359-1045
Slater, Peter (2014) How much is too much? Understanding the role and function of violence and its manifestation in the consulting room: Intensive psychotherapy with a latency-aged boy. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 40 (2). pp. 150-172. ISSN 0075-417X
Taylor, David and Morgan, Neil (2014) Psychodynamic psychotherapy and the treatment of depression. Psychiatry, 4 (5). pp. 6-9. ISSN 1476-1793
Totsuka, Yoko (2014) ‘Which aspects of social GGRRAAACCEEESSS grab you most?’ The social GGRRAAACCEEESSS exercise for a supervision group to promote therapists' self‐reflexivity. Journal of Family Therapy, 36 (S1). pp. 86-106. ISSN 0163-4445
Totsuka, Yoko, Muir, Jessica, Metzer, Sylvia and Obi, Bella (2014) Bridging CAMHS and Social Care Teams: experience in a ‘troubled families’ project. Context (131). pp. 31-35. ISSN 0969-1936 Full text available
Welldon, Estela (2014) The true nature of perversions. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 32 (1). pp. 8-39. ISSN 1446-1625 (Print)
Winkler, Astrid (2014) Resilience as reflexivity: A new understanding for work with looked-after children. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28 (4). pp. 461-478. ISSN 0265-0533 Full text available
Wood, Heather (2014) Working with problems of perversion. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 30 (4). pp. 422-437. ISSN Print ISSN: 0265-9883 Online ISSN: 1752-0118
Wood, Heather and Brown, Gabrielle (2014) Psychoanalytically-informed clinical supervision of staff in probation services. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 28 (3). pp. 330-344. ISSN 0266-8734
Wren, Bernadette (2014) Thinking postmodern and practising in the enlightenment: Managing uncertainty in the treatment of children and adolescents. Feminism & Psychology, 24 (2). pp. 271-291. ISSN 0959-3535
Wren, Bernadette, Alderton, Jane, Burck, Charlotte, Kennedy, Eilis, Senior, Rob, Hill, Jonathan, Aslam, Neelo and Broyden, Nichaela (2014) The application of a domains‐based analysis to family processes: Implications for assessment and therapy. Journal of Family Therapy, 36 (1). pp. 62-80. ISSN 0163-4445
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Psychodynamic psychotherapy: Developing the evidence base. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 20 (4). pp. 269-279. ISSN Online ISSN 1472-1481; Print ISSN 1355-5146
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Survival and creativity in a changing world. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 28 (2). pp. 91-93. ISSN 0266-8734
Yakeley, Jessica and Meloy, J Reid (2014) The violent true believer as a “Lone Wolf” – Psychoanalytic perspectives on terrorism. Behavioral Sciences & the Law . ISSN 1099-0798
Yakeley, Jessica and Williams, Andrew (2014) Antisocial personality disorder: New directions. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 20 (2). pp. 132-143. ISSN Online 1472-1481; Print: 1355-5146
Yakeley, Jessica and Wood, Heather (2014) Paraphilias and paraphilic disorders: Diagnosis, assessment and management. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 20 (3). pp. 202-213. ISSN 1355-5146
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy NOW 2013:‘Getting to grips with society's ills: A psychoanalytic perspective'. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 28 (3). pp. 241-243. ISSN 0266-8734 (Print); 1474-9734 (Electronic)
Yakeley, Jessica, Hale, Rob, Johnston, James and Kirtchuk, Gabriel (2014) Psychiatry, subjectivity and emotion - deepening the medical model. The Psychiatric Bulletin . ISSN 2053-4876 Full text available
Youell, Biddy (2014) Separation difficulties or transition? The value of observation in work with very young children and their parents. Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications, 17 (2). pp. 115-125. ISSN 1369-8036 (Print), 1745-8943 (Online)
Zhang, Yuning, Orkin, Mark, Boyes, Mark E and Cluver, Lucie D (2014) Pathways to poor educational outcomes for HIV/AIDS-affected youth in South Africa. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 26 (3). pp. 343-350. ISSN 0954-0121 (Print) ; 1360-0451 (Online)
Zitz, Claudia, Burns, Jan and Tacconelli, Erasmo (2014) Trans men and friendships: A Foucauldian discourse analysis. Feminism & Psychology, 24 (2). pp. 216-237. ISSN 0959-3535 Full text available
Book Section
Armstrong, David and Rustin, Michael (2014) Introduction: Revisiting the paradigm. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 1-23. ISBN 9781782201687
Barnes, Jacqueline and Billingham, Kate (2014) The role of health in early years services. In: Contemporary issues in the early years. Sage, London, pp. 163-180. ISBN 9781446266410
Bell, David (2014) You and me. In: Sex and psychopaths: Celebrating 100 years of Freud’s On Narcissism. LSE, London, pp. 20-23. Full text available
Bick, Esther (2014) Infant observation in psycho-analytic training. In: Infant observation: Creating transformative relationships. Karnac, London, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9781782200758
Bradley, Jonathan (2014) Being 'black' in the transference: Working under the spectre of racism. In: Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 85-108. ISBN 9781782200598
Cardona, Francesca (2014) Who is the boss? Balancing power and vulnerability in the client–consultant relationship. In: Psychoanalytic essays on power and vulnerability. Karnac, London, pp. 58-66. ISBN 9781780490847
Carrington, Anca (2014) Emotional functions of money. In: Money as emotional currency. Psychoanalytic Ideas Series . Karnac, London, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781782202004 Full text available
Cooper, Andrew and Lees, Amanda (2014) Spotlit: Defences against anxiety in contemporary human service organizations. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 239-255. ISBN 9781782201687
Daws, Dilys (2014) Creating connections. In: The Winnicott tradition: Lines of development—evolution of theory and practice over the decades. Karnac, London, pp. 135-138. ISBN 9781782200079
Di Ceglie, Domenico (2014) Care for gender-dysphoric children. In: Gender dysphoria and disorders of sex development: Progress in care and knowledge. Focus of Sexuality Research . Springer, New York, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9781461474401
Di Ceglie, Domenico (2014) Gender dysphoria in young people. In: Clinical topics in child and adolescent psychiatry. The Royal College of Psychiatrists , London, pp. 349-363. ISBN 9781909726178
Edwards, Judith (2014) Film projection and projective identification: Film as a teaching tool. In: Media and the inner world: Psycho-cultural approaches to emotion, media and popular culture. Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp. 69-81. ISBN 9781137345530
Finch, Jo and Schaub, Jason (2014) Projective identification and unconscious defences against anxiety: Social work education, practice learning, and the fear of failure. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 300-314. ISBN 9781782201687
Fortuna, Tomasz (2014) Napięcie na granicy, wolność emocjonalna i proces twórczy [Tension at the border, emotional freedom and the creative process]. In: Sztuka i wolność. Psychoanalityczna refleksja nad znaczeniem twórczości [Art and Freedom. Psychoanalytic reflection on the meaning of creativity]. Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej MOCAK, Krakow. ISBN 9788362435340
Hopkins, Juliet (2014) The dangers and deprivations of too-good mothering. In: Infant observation: Creating transformative relationships. Karnac , London, pp. 85-96. ISBN 9781782200758
Jackson, Emil (2014) Work discussion groups as a container for sexual anxiety in schools. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 269-283. ISBN 9781782201687
Kraemer, Sebastian (2014) Anxiety at the front line. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 144-160. ISBN 9781782201687
Krause, Inga-Britt (2014) The complexity of cultural competence. In: Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 109-126. ISBN 9781782200598
Launer, John (2014) Afterword. In: Clinical uncertainty in primary care: The challenge of collaborative engagement. Springer, New York, pp. 293-302. ISBN 9781461468110
Launer, John (2014) Narrative-based supervision. In: Clinical uncertainty in primary care: The challenge of collaborative engagement. Springer, New York, pp. 147-162. ISBN 9781461468110
Launer, John (2014) Training in narrative-based supervision: Conversations inviting change. In: Clinical uncertainty in primary care: The challenge of collaborative engagement. Springer, New York, pp. 163-176. ISBN 9781461468110
Lemma, Alessandra (2014) An order of pure decision: Growing up in a virtual world and the adolescent’s experience of the body. In: Psychoanalysis in the technoculture era. Beyond the Couch Series . Routledge, Hove, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9780415656726
Lowe, Frank (2014) The August 2011 riots - them and us. In: Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 211-228. ISBN 9781782200598
Lowe, Frank (2014) Thinking space: The model. In: Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 11-34. ISBN 9781782200598 Full text available
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Communiquer sans paroles. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Conocer, cuidar y proteger al bebé. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 353-371. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Contrainte a mourir: Psychotherapie d’une jeune fille qui ne parle pas, ne marche pas, ne s’alimente pas. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Creating space in the family for imagination and creativity. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 157-173. ISBN 9781782201410 Full text available
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Ensenanza de la observacion de infante: desarrollo de un lenguaje de comprension. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Envy, jealousy, love, and generosity in sibling relations: The impact of sibling relations on future family relations. In: Siblings: Envy and rivalry, coexistence and concern. EFPP Clinical Monograph . Karnac, London, pp. 195-217. ISBN 9781780491813 Full text available
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Explorations familiales approfondies à l’aide de rêves, de dessins et de jeux lorsque l’enfant qui nous est adressé ne parle pas. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Feeling good, feeling bad; being good and being bad. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 95-112. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Introduction. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Llorar, no llorar y estar a solas con el dolor. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 325-353. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) L’enfant qui n’a pas encore trouve de mots. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) L’evolution de la contenance parentale d’un enfant qui communiqué en ne mangeant pas et en ne parlant pas. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) L’écriture comme moyen de comprendre avec compassion la symphonie de votre coeur. In: De Narcisse à Echo : Le rôle de l'observation psychanalytique dans la relation éducative. Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9782912186423
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Nursery as therapist: Understanding the "present moment" of the child. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Primitive protections used by fostered and adopted children. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 67-85. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Quand la passerelle est rompue entre un bebe et ses parents. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Three years infant observation with Esther Bick. In: Infant observation: Creating transformative relationships. Karnac, London, pp. 30-47. ISBN 9781782200758
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Three years of infant observation with Esther Bick. In: Infant Observation: Creating transformative relationships. Routledge, London, pp. 30-49. ISBN 9780429475863
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Tres años de observación de infantes con la señora Bick. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 79-112. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) The children's fairy tales. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 191-193. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) The couple's cradle for the inner child. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 215-233. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) "The paternal role" in relation to siblings' love, gratitude, greed, and revenge. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 235-247. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) A special time for playing and thinking together. In: Being present for your nursery age child. Observing, understanding, and helping children. Karnac, London, pp. 129-145. ISBN 9781782201410
Magagna, Jeanne and Adamo, Simonetta M G (2014) El nacimiento del hermanito, ansiedades que se generan y la función de la observadora. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 185-215. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne and Bladen, Melanie (2014) Collaborer, contenir, inspirer confiance: Physiothérapie avec une enfant qui ne parle pas, ne marche pas, ne s’alimente pas. In: Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 9781855755185
Magagna, Jeanne and Cooper, Hope (2014) Los orígenes de la autoestima en la primera infancia. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City, pp. 151-185. ISBN 9786079202-262
Magagna, Jeanne and Juárez, Clotilde (2014) Introducción. In: Observacion de bebes: El metodo Esther Bick de la Clinica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, Mexico City. ISBN 9786079202-262
McNab, Sue (2014) Dancing between discourses. In: Creative positions in adult mental health: Outside in-inside out. The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series . Karnac, London, pp. 43-64. ISBN 9781780491929
Miller, Lisa (2014) Reflections on the observations of infants and early sibling relationships. In: Sibling matters: A psychoanalytic, developmental, and systemic approach. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 115-129. ISBN 9781782200635 Full text available
Morgan, David (2014) Is it coz I'm white? In: Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 75-84. ISBN 9781782200598
Music, Graham (2014) Attachment theory and its uses in child psychotherapy. In: The Routledge handbook of attachment: Implications and interventions. Routledge, Hove, pp. 32-52. ISBN 9780415706124
Music, Graham (2014) Attachment, our brains, nervous system and hormones. In: The Routledge handbook of attachment: Theory. Routledge, Hove, pp. 127-147. ISBN 9780415538275
Music, Graham (2014) Struggling with cultural prejudice while observing babies: Socio-centric and egocentric positions. In: Infant observation: Creating transformative relationships. Karnac, London, pp. 267-284. ISBN 9781782200758 Full text available
Music, Graham (2014) Vagal superstars: Dialogue with Graham Music. In: The Buddha and the baby: Psychotherapy and meditation in working with children and adults. Karnac, London, pp. 197-212. ISBN 9781780490816 Full text available
Music, Graham and Crehan, Geraldine (2014) A psychoanalytic child psychotherapy approach to working with kinship care. In: Inside kinship care: Understanding family dynamics and providing effective support. Jessica Kingsley, London, pp. 165-176. ISBN 9781849053464
Papaspirou, Aikaterini (2014) My first year as a forensic group therapist. In: Forensic group psychotherapy: The Portman Clinic approach. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 69-78. ISBN 9781780490496
Rubitel, Alla (2014) The abused, the abuser, and the confusion of tongues. In: Forensic group psychotherapy. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 129-149. ISBN 9781780490496
Ruszczynski, Stanley (2014) The frightened couple. In: Families in transformation: A psychoanalytic approach. European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy . Karnac, London, pp. 85-95. ISBN 9781780491110 Full text available
Tucker, Simon (2014) Still not good enough! Must try harder: An exploration of social defences in schools. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 256-268. ISBN 9781782201687
Williams, Andrew (2014) Acting out, the repetition compulsion, and forensic group therapy. In: Forensic group psychotherapy: The Portman Clinic approach. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9781780490496
Williams, Andrew and Zachary, Anne (2014) On the containing structures required by forensic group psychotherapy. In: Forensic group psychotherapy: The Portman Clinic approach. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 33-51. ISBN 9781780490496
Wood, Heather (2014) Internet offenders from a sense of guilt. In: Psychoanalysis in the technoculture era. Beyond the Couch . Routledge, Hove, pp. 114-128. ISBN 9780415656726
Woods, John (2014) Paedophilia, child abuse and group analysis. In: Forensic group psychotherapy. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 107-127. ISBN 9781780490496
Woods, John (2014) Principles of forensic group therapy. In: Forensic group psychotherapy: The Portman Clinic approach. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 3-31. ISBN 9781780490496 Full text available
Woods, John (2014) Seeing and being seen: The psychodynamics of pornography through the lens of Winnicott's thought. In: The Winnicott tradition: Lines of development—evolution of theory and practice over the decades. The lines of development - evolution of theory and practice over the decades series . Karnac, London, pp. 163-174. ISBN 9781782200079
Woods, John (2014) Seeing and being seen: The psychodynamics of pornography through the lens of Winnicottt's thought. In: The Winnicott tradition: Lines of development—evolution of theory and practice over the decades. Karnac, London, pp. 163-174. ISBN 9781782200079
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Mentalization-based group treatment for antisocial personality disorder. In: Forensic group psychotherapy. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 151-182. ISBN 9781780490496
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Research into the two schemes. In: Learning about emotions in illness: Integrating psychotherapeutic teaching into medical education. Explorations in mental health . Routledge, East Sussex, pp. 116-139. ISBN 9780415644907
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Therapist as "perverse female": The implications of therapist gender for working with perverse and violent patients. In: Forensic group psychotherapy. The Portman Papers . Karnac, London, pp. 79-106. ISBN 9781780490496
Yakeley, Jessica (2014) The UCL student psychotherapy scheme. In: Learning about emotions in illness: Integrating psychotherapeutic teaching into medical education. Explorations in mental health . Routledge, East Sussex, pp. 9-28. ISBN 9780415644907
Yakeley, Jessica, Bunt, Robbie, Gubert, Elsa and Hulsker, Caroline (2014) Students' experiences of the UCL student psychotherapy scheme. In: Learning about emotions in illness: Integrating psychotherapeutic teaching into medical education. Explorations in mental health . Routledge, East Sussex, pp. 51-63. ISBN 9780415644907
Zachary, Anne (2014) Running the gauntlet of institutional defence: From the prison gate to the hospital wing. In: Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London, pp. 176-185. ISBN 9781782201687
Ziminski, Jeanne (2014) The wider family context of kinship care. In: Inside kinship care: Understanding family dynamics and providing effective support. Jessica Kingsley, London, pp. 79-93. ISBN 9781849053464
Burstow, Paul, Jenkins, Paul, Adebowale, Victor, Bailey, Sue, Farmer, Paul, Greatley, Angela and Rose-Quirie, Alison (2014) The pursuit of happiness: A new ambition for our mental health. Discussion Paper. CentreForum, London. Full text available
Parsonage, Michael, Hard, Emily and Rock, Brian (2014) Managing patients with complex needs: Evaluation of the City and Hackney Primary Care Psychotherapy Consultation Service. Discussion Paper. Centre for Mental Health, London. Full text available
Wolpert, Miranda, Harris, Rita, Jones, Melanie, Hodges, Sally, Fuggle, Peter, James, Rachel, Wiener, Andy, McKenna, Caroline, Law, Duncan and Fonagy, Peter (2014) Thrive: The AFC-Tavistock Model for CAMHS. Discussion Paper. Camhs Press, London. Full text available
Wood, Heather, Bolton, Winifred, Lovell, Kath and Morgan, Lou (2014) Meeting the challenge, making a difference: Working effectively to support people with personality disorder in the community. Project Report. Department of Health, London. Full text available
Conference or Workshop Item
Al-Khatib, Batul, Norris, Sarah, Prior, Philip, Rigney, Anthony and Biddlecombe, Ruth (2014) Multi-modal consultation with families: Concepts and techniques. In: Division of Educational and Child Psychology Annual Development Event, 8-10 January 2014, Oxford Hotel, Oxford.
Conn, Rory (2014) A national trainee survey of neuropsychiatry training experiences. In: Faculty of Neuropsychiatry Annual Conference, 04-05 September 2014, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Full text available
Kennedy, Emma-Kate, Odalele, G and Sorton, A (2014) Collaboration between schools and the voluntary sector: Challenges and opportunities in implementing Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills (PATHS). In: Implementing Implementation Science Conference The science of making interventions effective in real world contexts, 28th July 2014, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Turp, Margaret (2014) Always present. In: BACP Universities & Colleges Conference 2014, 23-25 June 2014, Exeter University. Full text available
Armstrong, David and Rustin, Michael (2014) Social defences against anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782201687
Boston, Mary and Szur, Rolene (2014) Psychotherapy with severely deprived children. Psychology Revivals . Routledge, Hove. ISBN 9781138819139
Carrington, Anca (2014) Money as emotional currency. Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782202004
Edwards, Judith (2014) Pieces Of Molly: An ordinary life. Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782202189
Izod, Karen and Whittle, Susan Rosina (2014) Resource-ful consulting: Working with identity and presence in consulting to change. Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782200413
Launer, John (2014) Sex versus survival: The life and ideas of Sabina Spielrein. Duckworth Overlook, London. ISBN 9780715647417
Lemma, Alessandra and Caparrotta, Luigi (2014) Psychoanalysis in the technoculture era. The New Library of Psychoanalysis 'Beyond the Couch' Series . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415656726
Lemma, Alessandra (2014) Minding the body: The body in psychoanalysis and beyond. The New Library of Psychoanalysis . Routledge, Hove. ISBN 9780415718608
Lowe, Frank (2014) Thinking space: Promoting thinking about race, culture, and diversity in psychotherapy and beyond. The Tavistock Clinic Series . Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782200598
MacRury, Iain and Rustin, Michael (2014) The inner world of Doctor Who: Psychoanalytic reflections in time and space. Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture . Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782200833
Magagna, Jeanne (2014) Le silence de l'enfant: La communication sans les mots. Collection Tavistock Clinic . Editions du Hublot, Larmor-Plage. ISBN 978-2912186416
Magagna, Jeanne and Juárez, Clotilde (2014) Observacion de bebes: El método Esther Bick de la Clínica Tavistock. Clínica Tavistock . Paidos, México City. ISBN 9786079202262
Magagna, Jeanne and Pasquini, Patrizia (2014) Being present for your nursery age child: Observing, understanding and helping children. Karnac, London. ISBN 9781782201410
Maitra, Begum and Krause, Inga-Britt (2014) Culture and madness: A training resource, film and commentary for mental health professionals. Jessica Kingsley, London. ISBN 9781849053525
McNab, Sue and Partridge, Karen (2014) Creative positions in adult mental health: Outside in-inside out. Systemic Thinking and Practice Series . Karnac, London. ISBN 9781780491929
Music, Graham (2014) The good life: Wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality. Routledge, Hove. ISBN 9781848722279
Myers, Gil, Gardner, Melissa, Boursicot, Katharine and Sales, David (2014) Oxford assess and progress: Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199665662
Pozzi-Monzo, Maria E (2014) The Buddha and the baby: Psychotherapy and meditation in working with children and adults. Karnac, London. ISBN 9781780490816
Shoenberg, Peter and Yakeley, Jessica (2014) Learning about emotions in illness: Integrating psychotherapeutic teaching into medical education. Explorations in mental health. Explorations in Mental Health . Routledge, Hove. ISBN 9780415644907
Siegel Sommers, Lucia and Launer, John (2014) Clinical uncertainty in primary care: The challenge of collaborative engagement. Springer, New York. ISBN 9781461468127
Williams, Meg Harris (2014) Hamlet in analysis: Horatio's story - A trial of faith. The Harris Meltzer Trust Series , Revised ed . Harris Meltzer Trust, London. ISBN 9781782201151
Williams, Meg Harris (2014) Art and analysis: An Adrian Stokes reader. The Harris Meltzer Trust Series . Harris Meltzer Trust, London. ISBN 9781782201182
Williams, Meg Harris and Waddell, Margot (2014) The chamber of maiden thought. Psychology Revivals . Routledge, Hove. ISBN 978-0415838894
Woods, John and Williams, Andrew (2014) Forensic group psychotherapy: The Portman Clinic approach. Portman Papers . Karnac, London. ISBN 9781780490496
Amoss, Sarah (2014) The negotiation of blame in family therapy with families affected by psychosis. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Beckler, Lydia Ephraim (2014) Who would be a residential child care worker? Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Bradley, Marie Agnes (2014) No man’s land: Making a map. The contribution of child psychotherapy to decision-making for Looked After Children in transition. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Fan, Hsueh-Mei (2014) Imitation in development and in developmental failure: A case study based on a Child’s Psychotherapy. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust/University of East London. Full text available
Fletcher, Paul (2014) I know you can't see it but it hurts: A research study of the experiences of young people, their parents and healthcare professionals who live and work with medically unexplained physical symptoms. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Gkaravella, Antigoni (2014) A Study of patients referred following an episode of self-harm, a suicide attempt, or in a suicidal crisis using routinely collected data. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Herd, Jane Emma (2014) Understanding hard to reach adolescents: A bio-psycho-social model of aetiology, presentation and intervention. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Hickman, Susan Mary (2014) Shared understandings? The interface between systemic psychotherapists and the family courts. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Langton, Patricia Mary (2014) Don’t shoot the messenger: An exploration of how professional networks struggle to receive, contain and process painful communications from and about adolescents in the care system. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Lewis, Richard (2014) An exploration of the effectiveness of Educational Psychology consultation in supporting the development of emotional regulation skills in young people who have been adopted: A series of single subject case histories. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Mandin, Philippe (2014) Creating a space to think in a structured world: An exploration of the structures, relationships and emotions emerging in Network Meetings in the wider context of child care proceedings. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
Nolte, Lizette (2014) Behind closed doors: A grounded theory of the social processes that describe how parents talk to their children about parental mental health difficulties. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
O'Dwyer, Louise (2014) ‘I’m no more your mother or father...’ Parents’ experiences of having a child hospitalised for an eating disorder. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust/University of East London. Full text available
Palmer, Hilary (2014) An action research project to explore and develop family therapists’ experiences of using systemic art and music techniques in a CAMHS setting. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Pollard, Laura (2014) How do members of a multidisciplinary team involved in running a therapeutic playgroup understand their role in the work? Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust/University of East London. Full text available
Richardson, Colette (2014) Family therapists’ experiences of working with adolescents who self-harm and their families: A grounded theory study. DSysPsych thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Smith, Sylvia (2014) 'So you want to be a manager?' To what extent does the recognition and understanding of unconscious processes play a useful part in the management of frontline social work practice. An in-depth study of a children and families resource centre. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Tilki, Susan (2014) A mixed methods exploration of the sense of self among people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in adulthood. Other thesis, University of Hertfordshire. Full text available
Whittaker, Andrew (2014) Professional judgment, practitioner expertise and organisational culture in child protection: An ethnographic study. PhD thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Full text available
Antrobus, Laverne (2014) Laverne Antrobus on Good Morning Britain. What age is too early to teach children the facts of life? 03 June 2014, ITV [Starts at 1:43:36]. [Film/Video]
Music, Graham (2014) Graham Music on Woman's Hour. Interview about empathy. 12 July 2014, BBC Radio 4 [Starts at 10:25]. [Audio]