Items where Subject is "Psychological Research"
- Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust Subject Areas (2700)
- Research, Tests, Assessments (218)
- Psychological Research (21)
- Research, Tests, Assessments (218)
Archard, Philip, O'Reilly, Michelle, Moore, Tanya and Sommantico, Massimiliano (2024) Sharing formulations and interpretations with interview participants in psychoanalytically informed research: some considerations. Journal of Social Work Practice . ISSN 0265-0533
Archard, Philip, O'Reilly, Michelle and Sommantico, Massimiliano (2024) Free association and qualitative research interviewing: perspectives and applications. Qualitative Research Journal . ISSN 1443-9883
Burfield, Diana (2009) Tavistock Publications: A partial history. Management & Organizational History, 4 (2). pp. 207-222.
Costa, Rosalia, Colizzi, Marco, Scaramuzzi, Francesca, Palumbo, Claudia, Tyropani, Margarita, Pace, Valeria, Quagliarella, Luca, Brescia, Francesco, Natilla, Lilia Carmen, Loverro, Giuseppe and Todarello, Orlando (2015) Concomitant psychiatric problems and hormonal treatment induced metabolic syndrome in gender dysphoria individuals: A 2 year follow-up study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research . ISSN 0022-3999
Helps, Sarah (2017) The ethics of researching one's own practice. Journal of Family Therapy, 39 (3). pp. 348-365. ISSN 0163-4445
O'Nions, Elizabeth, Christie, Phil, Gould, Judith, Viding, Essi and Happé, Francesca (2014) Development of the ‘Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire’ (EDA-Q): Preliminary observations on a trait measure for Pathological Demand Avoidance. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55 (7). pp. 758-768. ISSN 0021-9630 Full text available
Ranieri, Veronica (2019) Questionable authorship and the problem of dirty hands: Throwing missing authorship into the ring. In response to both Bulow and Helgesson, and Tang. Research Ethics, 15 (3-4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2047-6094 Full text available
Ranieri, Veronica, McKay, Kathy, Senior, Rob and Kennedy, Eilis (2018) Primary sclerosing cholangitis and psychological wellbeing: a scoping review. Seminars in Liver Disease . ISSN 0272-8087
Ranieri, Veronica, Stynes, Hannah and Kennedy, Eilis (2019) Navigating multisite research set-up and approvals: Helping researchers on the ground — a commentary. Research Ethics, 15 (3-4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2047-6094 Full text available
Ranieri, Veronica, Stynes, Hannah and Kennedy, Eilis (2020) To CAG or not to CAG? Difficulties in determining submission to the Confidentiality Advisory Group: A commentary. Research Ethics . ISSN 2047-6094 Full text available
Rost, Felicitas (2018) Psychoanalysis needs research and research needs psychoanalysis. New Associations (25). pp. 8-9. ISSN 2042-9096
Theodorou, Alexis, Ali, Saima and Hales, Heidi (2024) A systematic review of literature on homicide followed by suicide and mental state of perpetrators. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 34 (1). pp. 10-53. ISSN 0957-9664 Full text available
Conference or Workshop Item
Conn, Rory (2014) A national trainee survey of neuropsychiatry training experiences. In: Faculty of Neuropsychiatry Annual Conference, 04-05 September 2014, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Full text available
Arnold, Christopher and Baker, Tracey (2013) Becoming NEET. Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent. ISBN 9781858565248
Ford, Charlotte (2018) The experiences of school staff who work with emotionally based school non-attendance: A psycho-social exploration. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex.
O'Dea, Sorcha (2023) What issues do school staff describe as important when introducing a whole school attachment-based approach? A Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Prestidge, Melissa (2022) Needing to respond; Responding to need: A thematic analysis exploring Educational Psychologists’ experiences of responding to critical incidents. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Ramos, Charlene (2018) Breaking the Silence: An IPA study exploring the experiences, thoughts, feelings and perspectives of teachers working with Selectively Mute children. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Samul, Nicola (2021) Supporting looked after children: A mixed methods study exploring the role of the Educational Psychologist. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Schulz, Freia (2020) 'Doesn't matter what we think we are doing, it's how it is perceived': Exploring the usefulness of the Ideal Teacher Drawing technique with students and teachers in a Pupil Referral Unit. Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust / University of Essex. Full text available
Scott, Bridget (2022) How might young people communicate their expectations of relationships during ADOS assessments? Professional Doctorate thesis, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust/University of Essex. Full text available