Items where Department is "Visiting Lecturer" and Year is 2019

Group by: Author | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 27.

Brody, Hugh, Gormley, Anthony and Edwards, Judith (2019) Inside sculpture, anthropology and psychoanalysis: A conversation. In: Psychoanalysis and other matters: Where are we now? Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 92-106. ISBN 9781138494640

Daniel, Gwyn (2019) Family dramas: Intimacy, power and systems in Shakespeare's tragedies. Systemic Thinking and Practice Series . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 978-1138335776

Edwards, Judith (2019) Psychoanalysis and other matters: Where are we now? Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138494640

Edwards, Judith (2019) Where are we now? How do we look and what do we see? In: Psychoanalysis and other matters: Where are we now? Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 174-187. ISBN 9781138494640

Foster, Angela (2019) Introduction. In: Mothers accused and abused: Addressing complex psychological needs. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781315105550

Foster, Angela (2019) Mothers accused and abused: Addressing complex psychological needs. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781315105550

Foster, Angela (2019) Staff accused and abused. Managing anxiety, pain and distress in systems of care. In: Mothers accused and abused: Addressing complex psychological needs. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 61-73. ISBN 9781315105550

Kane, Anne (2019) ‘How can anyone live like that?’ Exploring the conscious and unconscious implications for disabled people of any change in assisted suicide law. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 35 (2). pp. 195-214. ISSN Print ISSN: 0265-9883 Online ISSN: 1752-0118

Kuzuhara, Felipe Massao (2019) Raluca Soreanu, Working-Through Collective Wounds: Trauma, Denial, Recognition in the Brazilian Uprising. Psychoanalysis and History, 21 (3). pp. 381-383. ISSN Print: 1460-8235 ; Online: 1755-201x

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Abordagem trialógica Tempo-Lineare: Trabalho terapêutico preventivo com crianças de 0 a 5 anos e seus pais. In: Infância, Vínculos e Diversidade Profissional: Espaços para interlocução. Blucher, Sao Paolo. ISBN 9788521214007

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Comunicare senza parole. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 71-99. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Evoluzione dei pattern di contenimento genitoriale di un bambino che comunica non mangiando o non parlando. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 137-157. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Il “ponte spezzato” tra bambino piccolo e genitori. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 109-137. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Interpretation and family psychoanalysis by Mónica Vorchheimer; Discussant perspective. In: Interpretation in couple and family psychoanalysis: Cross-cultural perspectives. The Library of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 160-163. ISBN 978-0367220068

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Introduzione. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) La bambina che non ha ancora trovato le parole. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 157-189. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) L’approccio trialogico di Elisabetta Papucci. Contrappunto (57/58). ISSN 1590-0223

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) O self aprisionado: Desdobramentos no processo psicanalítico (Compreender o self aprisionado: Um jeito diferente de domesticar). In: Infância, Vínculos e Diversidade Profissional: Espaços para interlocução. Blucher, Sao Paolo. ISBN 9788521214007

Magagna, Jeanne (2019) Sedute esplorative estese alla famiglia con l’utilizzo di sogni, disegni e gioco nel caso di un bambino che non parla. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 189-215. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne and Bladen, Melanie (2019) Collaborare, contenere e trasmettere fiducia: Fisioterapia con una ragazza che non parla, non cammina, non mangia. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 241-259. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne and Bladen, Melanie (2019) Costretta a morire; Psicoterapia con una ragazza che non parla, non cammina, no mangia. In: Il Bambino Silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena, pp. 283-323. ISBN 978-88-3359-096-7

Magagna, Jeanne and Giacopino, Nicola (2019) Il bambino silenzioso: Comunicare senza parole. Libreria Universitaria, Limena. ISBN 9788833590967

Rustin, Michael and Armstrong, David (2019) Psychoanalysis, social science and the Tavistock tradition. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 24 (4). pp. 473-492. ISSN 1088-0763 (paper) ; 1543-3390 (electronic)

Scanlon, Christopher (2019) 'Practising disappointment': From reflection to action in organizations and communities. In: The Art and Science of Working Together: Practising Group Analysis in Teams and Organisations. The New International Library of Group Analysis . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 76-84. ISBN 978-0367182588

Scanlon, Christopher and Adlam, John (2019) Housing un-housed minds: Complex multiple exclusion and the cycle of rejection revisited. In: Psychoanalytic thinking on the unhoused mind. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780367148478

Shaw, Janet (2019) A psychoanalytic framework for interpreting young child observations that integrates emotional and cognitive development. Early Child Development and Care . ISSN 0300-4430 (Print); 1476-8275 (Electronic)

Turp, Margaret (2019) Introduction. In: Attachment and the defence against intimacy: Understanding and working with avoidant attachment, self-hatred, and shame. Routledge, Abingdon, xiv-xix. ISBN 978-1138330450

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