Review of Surviving Girlhood: Building positive relationships, attitudes and self‐esteem to prevent teenage girl bullying.

Searle, Liz (2014) Review of Surviving Girlhood: Building positive relationships, attitudes and self‐esteem to prevent teenage girl bullying. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19 (2). p. 159. ISSN Paper 1475-357X ; Online 1475-3588

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Reviews the book, Surviving Girlhood: Building Positive Relationships, Attitudes and Self‐Esteem to Prevent Teenage Girl Bullying by Niki. Giant and Rachel. Beddoe ( 2013). This book is a useful resource for preventing girl bullying, written by experienced anti-bullying officers. They note that UK schools must have an anti bullying policy by law, but these tend to have a reactive approach rather than tackling root causes. This book is primarily aimed at school staff, but would also be useful for youth workers and clinicians. Some of the activities would be helpful for generally building girls’ self-esteem, even in the absence of bullying issues. Overall, this provides a useful proactive toolkit for helping adolescent girls to develop self respect and establish positive relationships with others.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Article first published online, 4 Apr 2014
Uncontrolled Keywords: Positive Relationships, Girl Bullying, School Staff, Self Esteem
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Emotions
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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