The still point of the turning world? Building on Balint: A personal view

Elder, Andrew (2015) The still point of the turning world? Building on Balint: A personal view. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine . ISSN Print ISSN: 0091-2174 ; On-Line ISSN: 1541-3527

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In this article, I will respond to the conference title “Building on Balint” by briefly considering some of the inherent obstacles to Balint work, before describing the current state of play in the UK. I will argue that Balint work might benefit from exploring its relationship with attachment theory more fully. In particular, I emphasize an important new role for Balint groups within contemporary health-care organizations—one that enhances a feeling of emotional security for the professional within the organization and also benefits the teamwork and morale of the organization itself. I will give an example of a Balint group in a health-care organization for vulnerable doctors and finish by giving a report on the development of Balint groups for medical students in the UK.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Published online before print March 10, 2015
Uncontrolled Keywords: Balint Groups, Teamwork, Morale
Subjects: Groups & Organisations > Occupational Groups
Department/People: Honorary Staff

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