Research skills for social work

Whittaker, Andrew (2009) Research skills for social work. Transforming Social Work Practice . Learning Matters, Exeter. ISBN 9781844451791

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Research skills are central to successfully completing the social work degree. This title will help students develop those skills and apply them to all aspects of their work. Detailed information is included on a variety of research methods, such as focus groups, literature reviews, questionnaires and interviews, which are fundamental to students' research projects. Packed with useful practical examples it provides plenty of opportunity for critical examination of research methods and their outcomes. Key features: Explains why research skills are vital for social work students; demonstrates how to undertake literature reviews; examines the pros and cons of focus groups; considers the use of questionnaires and data analysis.

Item Type: Book
Uncontrolled Keywords: Planning Research, Literature Review, Interviews, Focus Groups, Questionnaires, Documentary Analysis, Analysing Data, Writing A Dissertation
Subjects: Research, Tests, Assessments > Social Study & Research Methodologies
Social Welfare > Social Work
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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