The handbook of child and adolescent psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic approaches

Lanyado, Monica and Horne, Ann (2009) The handbook of child and adolescent psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic approaches. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780415463690

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Item Type: Book
Additional Information: Horne, Lanyado, Introduction. Part I: Theoretical Foundations. Likierman, Urban, The Roots of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy in Psychoanalysis. Horne, Normal Emotional Development. Hopkins, Phillips, Contributions from Attachment Theory and Research. Music, The Contribution from Neuroscience. Midgley, Research in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: An Overview. Part II: Context. Crockatt, The Child Psychotherapist in the Multi-disciplinary Team. Gibbs, Race and Cultural Issues. Tischler, The International Scene. Part III: Diversity of Treatments and Settings. Lanyado, Horne, The Therapeutic Setting and Process. Green, Individual Psychotherapy: Assessment, Intensive and Non-intensive Work. Lanyado, Brief Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Consultations. How Much Therapy is ‘Good-Enough’? Rustin, Work with Parents. Onions, Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. Woods, Argent, Group Psychotherapy. McLoughlin, Working within Schools and Educational Settings. Flynn, The Challenges of In-patient Work in a Therapeutic Community. Wilson, Consultation within Residential Care. Part IV: Areas of Specialist Interest. Rhode, Child Psychotherapy for Children on the Autistic Spectrum. Lanyado, Psychotherapy with Severely Traumatised Children and Adolescents: ‘Far Beyond Words’. Hunter-Smallbone, Psychotherapy for Children Looked After by Local Authorities. Ironside, Working with Foster Carers. Horne, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Abusing in Childhood and Adolescence. Parsons, The Roots of Violence: Theory and Implications for Technique with Children and Adolescents. Melzak, Work with Children and Adolescents Exposed to Political Violence. Wilson, Delinquency. Mondadori, Working with People with Eating Disorders: ‘What If I Die Without Knowing Why?’ Gaffney, Reyes, Gender Identity Dysphoria
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Adolescents - Psychotherapy
Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Child Psychotherapy
Department/People: Honorary Staff

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