Mourning and migration

Stubley, Joanne (2009) Mourning and migration. Psychodynamic Practice, 15 (2). pp. 113-127. ISSN ISSN: 1475-3626 (electronic) 1475-3634 (paper)

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This paper describes two patients who were seen for consultation in the Tavistock Trauma Service. Both men had experienced overwhelming loss and trauma. What may happen in the mourning process and how time may stand still when mourning becomes unbearable are some of the themes explored, making reference to Freud's classic paper 'Mourning and melancholia'.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Trauma, Loss, Brief Individual Psychoanalytic Consultation, Melancholia, Refugees, Tavistock Trauma Service
Subjects: Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Brief Therapies
Emotions, Affective Psychology > Grief/Mourning/Loss
Race and Culture > Social/Cultural Influences on Psychology (e.g. disasters, war)
Human Psychological Processes > Stress
Department/People: Special Units

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