Role of mental health professionals in extending professional support to people in need

Lidchi, Victoria G, Androvik, Margarita, Bradley, Caroline, Charlemagne-Odle, Subreena Z, Elmer, Jessica, Goodman, Emma and Roberts, Sara (2022) Role of mental health professionals in extending professional support to people in need. In: Handbook of Health and Well-Being: Challenges, Strategies and Future Trends. Springer, Singapore, pp. 549-564. ISBN 978-981-16-8263-6

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This chapter will present an outline of a model of service delivery that has been in use by a London “Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service” (CAMHS) to provide services to children, young people, and families whose multiple difficulties make it hard for them to access conventional clinic-based services. The “THRIVE Framework for System Change” (“THRIVE”) (Wolpert et al. in THRIVE-framework for system change, 2019) which underpins this service redesign, builds on the resilience of families, and the skills of supporting key workers who have the closest relationships with them. This chapter will outline the model of service delivery and use examples to illustrate its outcomes for the most vulnerable young people, their families, the staff working with them, and the organizations/agencies delivering services to these families.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: First published online: 08 March 2022
Uncontrolled Keywords: Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Safeguarding, Resilience Vulnerable Families, THRIVE, Hard To Reach, Troubled Families
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Child Psychotherapy
Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Mental Disorders
Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Adolescents - Psychotherapy
Families > Families - Psychology
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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