Oedipal aspirations and phallic fears: On fetishistic presentation in childhood and young adulthood

Horne, Ann (2021) Oedipal aspirations and phallic fears: On fetishistic presentation in childhood and young adulthood. In: From Trauma to Harming Others: Therapeutic Work with Delinquent, Violent and Sexually Harmful Children and Young People. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 94-107. ISBN 9780367415570

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This chapter explores work with a young man who cross-dressed, wore nappies in bed and was preoccupied with pregnant women. When people engage with young people seemingly in route to what once was termed a perverse resolution people encounter early insult, primitive defences and real fear of the oedipal constellation. In ‘Three essays on the theory of sexuality’, Sigmund Freud outlined his view of fetishism: What is substituted for the sexual object is some part of the body which is generally very inappropriate for sexual purposes, or some inanimate object which bears an assignable relation to the person whom it replaces and preferably to that person’s sexuality. The fetishistic position for Stanley, with its early, polymorphous presentation, has helped hold the abandoned fragile self with a solution that could contain the inexpressible rage with the object, conceal the growing sexual self, but which inhibited development and genuine potency.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Child Psychotherapy
Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Adolescents - Psychotherapy
Criminology > Forensic Psychotherapy
Department/People: Honorary Staff
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/2526

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