Developing social work students' communication skills with children and young people: A model for the qualifying level curriculum.

Tanner, Karen, Lefevre, Michelle and Luckock, Barry (2008) Developing social work students' communication skills with children and young people: A model for the qualifying level curriculum. Child & Family Social Work, 13 (2). pp. 166-176. ISSN 13567500

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Currently, there is no explicit requirement for qualifying level social workers to be skilled in communicating with children. In a recent Knowledge Review, we argued that practitioners should have a basic level of competence in such skill at the point of qualification. If that argument is accepted then how this should be acquired within the qualifying social work curriculum needs consideration. The authors present a framework for understanding those components of skilled communication with children that should be included in the qualifying curriculum. A whole programme approach to curriculum development will be outlined which, we suggest, might enable students to develop the knowledge, capabilities and values required for skilled practice in this area.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Children, Communication, Skills, Social Work Education
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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