Komentarz do Napalony Czarodziej, terapeutka o skłonnościach samobójczych, Pan A oraz Lily, dziecko pani Jones [Commentary to 'Excited Wizard, therapist with suicidal tendencies, Mr A and Lily, the child of Mrs Jones']

Fortuna, Tomasz (2017) Komentarz do Napalony Czarodziej, terapeutka o skłonnościach samobójczych, Pan A oraz Lily, dziecko pani Jones [Commentary to 'Excited Wizard, therapist with suicidal tendencies, Mr A and Lily, the child of Mrs Jones']. In: Bardzo zmienna czarownica i inne opowiadania psychoanalityczne Christopher Gibson [ 'A very changeable witch and other psychoanalytic stories' by Christopher Gibson]. Instytut Studiów Psychoanalitycznych im. Hanna Segal, Warsawa. ISBN 978-83-939042-2-8

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Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Cognitive Processes, Theory of Mind > Arts - Applied Psychology
Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Psychoanalysis
Subconscious & Unconscious, Personality > Fantasy/Phantasy
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/2298

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