Reflections on ‘Thinking an ethics of gender exploration: Against delaying transition for transgender and gender variant youth’

Wren, Bernadette (2019) Reflections on ‘Thinking an ethics of gender exploration: Against delaying transition for transgender and gender variant youth’. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24 (2). pp. 237-240. ISSN 1359-1045 (Print); 1461-7021 (Electronic)

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In this short article are offered some brief reflections on the commissioned response to my article on ethical issues arising in the provision of medical interventions for gender diverse children. Ashley argues for the importance of ‘an ethics of exploration’ which prioritises making opportunities for fluid, open-ended reflection by gender diverse children and young people, operating through and alongside, rather than prior to, social and medical transition. While noting significant areas of shared outlook between Ashley and myself, I correct some assumptions that Ashley may be making about the range of young people seen at the UK Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) and the way we work clinically within a developmental framework. I highlight my reasons for thinking that there are particular concerns arising in the care of the very young. Finally, I reiterate my view that professionals cannot so easily abandon altogether an ‘ethic of prediction’ and surrender their responsibilities and accountabilities in this area of clinical practice.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Gender Identity, Children And Adolescents, Exploration, Ethics, Transition
Subjects: Sex Psychology > Gender Identity
Department/People: Special Units

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