Social care green paper: It would be wrong to bail out business as usual

Burstow, Paul (2018) Social care green paper: It would be wrong to bail out business as usual. The Guardian . ISSN 0261-3077

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Few would deny that social care in England is under huge financial pressure, but is more cash all that the sector needs? While it may be essential, it is not sufficient. The Care Act raised the bar when it made the promotion of individual wellbeing the organising principle of adult social care. It requires a different approach, one that is based on the strengths and the gifts people have. Its goal is to prevent and postpone dependency. But, too often, proving dependency is still the currency of our system and social care seems like an exercise in border control, keeping people out. Yet around the country, pioneers are introducing a new order of things. Starting with people’s strengths and relationships, they adopt a problem solving approach; they are about having conversations not making assessments. An example of this way of working is the Rotherham Social Prescribing Service. Funded by Rotherham Better Care Fund and the town’s clinical commissioning group, a team of advisers provide a single gateway to voluntary and community support for GPs and people with complex long-term conditions who are the most intensive users of primary care.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Click on the official URL above to read this article. Published Wed 25 Apr 2018
Subjects: Social Welfare > Social Services
Department/People: Honorary Staff

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