Objecting to the object. Encountering the internal parental couple relationship for lesbian and gay couples

Hertzmann, Leezah (2015) Objecting to the object. Encountering the internal parental couple relationship for lesbian and gay couples. In: Sexualities: Contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives. Routledge, Hove, pp. 156-174. ISBN 9780415718660

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In this chapter, I begin with a description of how psychoanalysis has traditionally viewed same-gender desire. Then I consider early object relationships, psychosexual development, the importance of identifications and innate bisexuality including a description of some contemporary psychoanalytic reformulations of same-gender desire. Using a fictional composite case example I illustrate the clinical manifestation of 'objecting to the object', including some thoughts on why this may be a problem for lesbian and gay couples. I reflect on how being part of an intimate adult same-gender couple relationship brings to life early object relationships and embodied experiences. Throughout, I draw on theoretical concepts which inform my ideas about the encounter with the parental couple relationship. The ideas presented here are based on my experience with lesbian and gay couples and individuals in psychoanalytic psychotherapy who have grown up with heterosexual parents, though not necessarily parents who were always together as a couple. These ideas may also be relevant to heterosexual as well as homosexual couples, and to those who have grown up in other family formations who become troubled and seek psychoanalytic therapy

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Psychoanalysis
Sex Psychology > Sexuality
Sex Psychology > Homosexuality
Sex Psychology > Lesbianism
Sex Psychology > Same Sex Relationships
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services
URI: https://tavport-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/1693

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