The Anaclitic-Introjective Depression Assessment: Development and preliminary validity of an observer-rated measure

Rost, Felicitas, Luyten, Patrick and Fonagy, Peter (2017) The Anaclitic-Introjective Depression Assessment: Development and preliminary validity of an observer-rated measure. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy . ISSN Online ISSN: 1099-0879

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Background: The two-configurations model developed by Blatt and colleagues offers a comprehensive conceptual and empirical framework for understanding depression. This model suggests that depressed patients struggle, at different developmental levels, with issues related to dependency (anaclitic issues) or self-definition (introjective issues), or a combination of both. Aims: This paper reports three studies on the development and preliminary validation of the Anaclitic-Introjective Depression Assessment, an observer-rated assessment tool of impairments in relatedness and self-definition in clinical depression based on the item pool of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure. Method: Study 1 describes the development of the measure using expert consensus rating and Q-methodology. Studies 2 and 3 report the assessment of its psychometric properties, preliminary reliability, and validity in a sample of 128 patients diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression. Results: Four naturally occurring clusters of depressed patients were identified using Q-factor analysis, which, overall, showed meaningful and theoretically expected relationships with anaclitic/introjective prototypes as formulated by experts, as well as with clinical, social, occupational, global, and relational functioning. Conclusion: Taken together, findings reported in this paper provide preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the Anaclitic-Introjective Depression Assessment, an observer-rated measure that allows the detection of important nuanced differentiations between and within anaclitic and introjective depression.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Q-Factor Analysis, Q-Methodology, Anaclitic, Introjective, Levels of Functioning, Severe Depression
Subjects: Disabilities & Disorders (mental & physical) > Depression
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services

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