Constructing personal and couple narratives in late-stage cancer: can a typology illuminate the caring partner perspective?

Anthias, Louise (2016) Constructing personal and couple narratives in late-stage cancer: can a typology illuminate the caring partner perspective? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37 (3). pp. 418-430. ISSN 1467-8438

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There is a large body of work focusing on the well-being and relationships of couples facing late-stage cancer. The systemic study underpinning this paper explored a less researched topic: How do people caring for a partner with terminal cancer construct their experience and relationships through personal and couple narratives? This UK-based study drew upon dialogical approaches to narrative analysis to focus on six caring partners and their care relationships. Following individual case analysis, two methods of cross-narrative analysis were developed, and an analysis of narrative themes and a typology of archetypal narratives were drawn from the data. This paper focuses on the typology. The clinical implications of the study are considered, focusing on the contribution of a typology to this and future studies.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Caregiver, Couple, Late-Stage Cancer, Narrative, Systemic, Typology
Subjects: Couple & Family Therapies > Couple/Marital Therapy
Department/People: Research

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