Deception and delusion: The relational aspect of supervision explored through Greek mythology

Bartle, Dale (2015) Deception and delusion: The relational aspect of supervision explored through Greek mythology. Educational and Child Psychology, 32 (3). pp. 41-50. ISSN 0267-1611

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The aim of this paper is to explore the relational aspect of supervision from a psychoanalytic perspective. Rationale: In keeping with a psychoanalytic approach, the relational aspect of supervision has been explored through experiential learning and recourse to the literature. Greek mythology has been used to stimulate reflection. Findings: The theoretical concepts of an internal supervisor, projective identification and containment have been used to describe how the supervisory relationship can support development and tolerating complexity and uncertainty. Limitations: This paper describes the author's experiential learning, informed by psychoanalytic theory, in reference to a particular supervisor-supervisee relationship. The argument is developed within this context. Conclusion: It is argued that, trans-theoretically, the relational aspect of supervision merits a greater emphasis in research, practice and professional guidelines.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Special issue: Supervision.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Projective Identification, Containment
Subjects: Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Psychoanalysis
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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